Friday, May 20, 2016

The Whole Conclusion

The flight of MH370 is the most stunning into aviation history, because we all ask the same question over and over and over again "How do we lose an aircraft with no trace where it has gone." While searching I had discover that what we could do as people even without the black boxes. Look for what flaws in the system we have now. For a couple of examples if it was hijacking, we got to make sure that we can identify a fake passport real quick as for security, tighten it up by asking simple question that person should know. I know it be like, yes lines be longer, but it is much more better to be safe than sorry you know. Also if it was fire on board how can we make sure that cables are not creating so much heat in the system causing a burnout in the system. Next of MH370 how can we improve the plane it self. I have indeed got some good pointers from high grade investigators of how the system could be made better. Lets first develop a system that transponder can not be shut off manually by the pilots but by system failure only. Than the pointer how about he make black boxes shot out off the plane before impact. Honestly this is hard engineer this but this could help a lot in of more future investigation to get direct answer much more quicker than this waiting game. So, in my conclusion we had a lot to learn about this disappearance of this aircraft and we hope that we can majorly improve on aircraft soon. I have indeed have prays to the family that were involved in the accident and I prey that we will find those black boxes to find where the plane has gone.

Resource:Mansoob80. "MH370 :The Plane That Vanished 2014." YouTube. YouTube, 20 Apr. 2014. Web. 21 May 2016.
This was biggest help to all of my research and gave me very good starting points. This whole video had real investigator that had been working on MH370 disappearance and describing in detail of the theory mentation and some gave us good chances of what could of happened to the flight.

MH370 Taken by Alines Thoeris

The theory of aliens is becoming more possible when time keeps passing. This theory where the ship was been drift by aliens across the planet somehow then vanishes without a trace of where it has gone. Also, this theory makes little to no sense to me but about 9% off people on CNN actually believe this type of result had to happen. So quickly going to break down how this possibility CANNOT be true. Of course, this is my opinion and will back with evidence that we currently have out there.

So the first piece of evidence is the sudden turns and sudden disappearance. The sudden three turns where picked up the ACARS system and still transmitting to the ground in some type of shape. So if aliens had taken the plane the chances of the ACARS receiving is little to none. The next part was the flight path, the flight path only made sense when it only drift over the India ocean since that was constant but again during that "Drift" the plane ACARS kept sending the fuel load of the plane so it was very high chance that the plane was flying on its own. The last part that could state that aliens could of happen is when navy ships had no sight of a plane on radar or on visual sight. This could have been because it was dark outside making it harder for the navy officers see the aircraft. So the Alien theory to me is very unlikely but as time passes by this comes more and more possible this theory.

Resource:"Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Alien Abduction Theory Buzzing on Social Media." International Business Times RSS. N.p., 11 Mar. 2014. Web. 21 May 2016

Did a electric blow out happen?

There has been possible theory of a possible electrically blowout in the system. Since, now we have to consider all possible events in the world, even the ones that have a very slim chance of happening. So for a electric blowout is a situation where the main computer just complete shuts down. So this can cause the ACARS to go out along with the transponder and all its valuable information. Could also cause the communication to be clear between the ground and the air. But in all of this events that did happen and indeed did connect, one puzzle piece is still missing. These planes are built with the advance computer system in world and even when the main computer system goes down the backup system should turn giving the plane enough power to get to the nearest airport.
To all that don't know the even with out power, the engine continued to run. Just the autopilot will not be there to assist the pilots aid. So that ties into how the flight path look since the plane could be flying without communication of what has happened. But how could we answer this whole topic without the most valuable piece of information and the information is within the black boxes. Which by now if it is in the water the black box would be decompressed and burst destroying the memory board inside it. So, who knows if the power went out blocking any type position of the plane, we will not know for a while.
And for those people how the Black boxes are made and how strongly built they are here is a picture of what is made of.

Resource: Irving, Clive. "MH370 Was Crippled by Sudden Electrical Failure." The Daily Beast. Newsweek/Daily Beast, 8 Dec. 2015. Web. 21 May 2016. This article was not the most trusted due to other links that go to politics a lot but besides that it only really gave me a summary of the possaible electric failure so won't consider this my best ones.                          

Monday, May 16, 2016

The first "Cyber Hijacked in the world?"

 When time keeps on processing and less and less of theories are remains we start to go for theories that have the little possibility that could happen, but they could happen like a cyber hijack. Cyber hijack has been detected in most flight system has been proven by the recent document of a person claiming that they had cyber hacked into flight controls causing the plane to crash. But luckily that was only a test alerting airlines and Boeing to upgrade their flight system since it has been proven to be beatable from the ground.
  The claim of the hijack was possible phone device that could somehow break through a system. This is where I need to stop for newly highly advanced phones because that can break into so many security systems and fool it with a false  reading. Then also with hijack with a phone the person who did it could go undetected since there will be no reading the black box stating where the signal came from. So the question is do we need to do something to our phones to prevent people hijacking into major security systems? Even if this statement is not true we still need to look into this problem because this event could still happen.
 Now for possible event of the cyber "Cyber-Hijack" multiple things that had to happen. First and obvious is the person had to know how to beat the Boeing flight system security. Then the next move he had to somehow hear the communication between the flight tower and two pilots. The reason for this is because the timing of the  turnaround was very precious and the chance of it {word} happening is extremely rare to occur. Then the last step was then to take control of the plane itself. Here what I can image in the cockpit if this event happened, when the last communication with the ground was made, the radio had suddenly turned off along with transponder. The reaction of pilots could of say "Turn back to Kuala Lumpur." Then from there we will never know what happened.

Resource:Ross, Philip. "New Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 'Cyber Hijack' Theory Emerges After 'Vulnerabilities' Found In Inflight System." International Business Times. IBtimes, 16 Mar. 2014. Web. 21 May 2016.
This resource helped me in the way of decsirbing how a cyber hijack is very simple these days by connecting strong words like using a simple app can take a plane from the skies. Also very good in backing up his research of the whole cyber thing connecting to how it could affect the flight of MH370.                                                  

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Could it been shot down?

There have been some recent claims that the U.S. military could have accidently shot down the flight of MH370. So when the  airplane was considered "missing" U.S. could have assumed that the flight was hijacked at the first ad the consider the following; that there was military base on the Indian ocean and they might have been the target for the hijackers. The thing that just doesn't click is they say it is a "cover up" for the U.S. Military but there has been any type of  proof of any missile shot. Also, if the plane has been shot the high likely hood that the plane should have hit the water where the plane went off the radar. So how can this whole thing been shot and the military decide to fake the search and made this hoaxes? Also, the flight path of the plane had no sudden drops or any type of any struggle on the investigated flight path of the plane. Also, the U.S. military has been not been well know to jump to conclusion and shot down a plane without  any type of justification. Also in airspace traffic controls laws say you can't shot down a commercial aircraft without 100% certainty that the plane has been hijacked and is targeting a population of the land.

Mills, Daniel. "Was Flight MH370 Accidentally SHOT DOWN? Staggering New Claims That Doomed Plane Was Blown out of the Sky by US and Thai Fighter Jets in Training Drill Gone Wrong." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 19 May 2014. Web. 13 May 2016.
  This resource gave lots of imformation of how the fight could have bee shot down and how the military could have just cover up the whole thing. This was very creditably because this author wrote and was a former investigator

Monday, May 9, 2016

Lack Of Oxgyen?

In the case of lack, oxygen has some proven statements. The pervious case that I have to consider this was on flight{Name}where the plane has gone down dues to fault in the pressure in the cabin/cockpit where both pilots had no idea what has to happen to cause the plane to drift. Was this the same case with MH370? What I consider is pilots, turns, and drift of the plane of the consider flight path.
In the pilots, the captain was very highly trained and even posted videos of "How to fly a jet plane."
So how can this pilot not notice the fault in unpressured plane? This raise consider about pilot suicide did he decompressed on purpose but made it has realistic as possible? We will never know until the black boxes are found.

The next was the turns that were made on the flight of MH370. These turns were very high probably of a deliberate change in the flight path. But with the turn they consider the pilots were trying to head back to the airport, could it have been possible that the pilots were lacked of oxygen and had no ability to fly the plane. Because the lack of oxygen does indeed limit your ability to fly the plane has been proven when a testes area was decompressed  and the guy job was to solve a simple puzzle and he had to fail to solve the simple puzzle. Then the consider question why was there no communications the ground and why would the transponder turn off we will never know.
Shows the struggle of having the lack of oxygen can do it to you with writing a simple sentence.
Topham, Gwyn, and Bridie Jabour. "Flight MH370 Investigators Consider Oxygen Starvation as Cause of Disappearance." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 26 June 2014. Web. 09 May 2016.
This evidence shows the high likely possible of the oxygen starvation. This also connects to the flight path how after three turns the plans then goes in a straight line. Also explains the effects of lack of oxygen and how it could affect the brain.                                                 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Fire on board?

Another theory is the possible of a fire could have happened on board. So could a potential fire have taken down MH370. If I look closely at this the fire had to erupt really quick. In order for the fire to occur a spark had to happen in the main electric line above the cockpit. So the chances that could have happened is the A/C had started an electric fire. But there is some evidence that shows there were some batteries that can catch on fire. The problem I have here is let's say the fire happen in the cargo part of the plane there should have been alarm alerting a fire is on board. Due to technology advancements, we have today.

So how could the fire impact the communication to the ground and why was there no alert ping to the ground? Sadly with no black boxes we will never know.
Zurcher, Anthony. "An MH370 Theory That Was Simple, Compelling and Wrong." BBC News. Echo Chambers, 19 Mar. 2014. Web. 09 May 2016.
This article talked about how the possible of fire could have been possible but had made little to no sense on it. This evidence also shows that pilot had many flight hours and should have know what to do in those situation. This also shows the possible outbreaks of fire could have happen on the airplane.                                                  

Monday, April 25, 2016

Was MH370 Hijacked

So was the flight was taken by a terrorist. In my humble opinion that there are many facts that state it could have been hijacked from the skies. The first fact that I learned was, there were, in fact, two people on the plane that board illegal using stolen passports. This signs that the two people wanted to hide their faces from the police that sends a red flag about possible hijacked. Another fact is that the three turns could have been the terrorist/hijackers turning around the plane. With this evidence and the "trusted" pilots (Sine we don't know if they did it) the hijackers wanted a new heading into a new location. Below are the two hijackers they have been suspected that brought down MH370.

Image result for MH370 poetional hijackers
But there is one only major conflict, due to highly advance plane how they pilots can send a alert ping to the ground. This is acts is complete unnoticeable to hijackers send the pilot can lie liked "I am imputing the heading now." This concerning because shown above this simple switch alerts ground units and air traffic controls "I have been hijacked" and how could not hit it and make no communication to the ground so the possible of an hijacked is indeed very slim in my opinion but still possible.
Recourse: Mansoob80. "MH370 :The Plane That Vanished 2014." YouTube. YouTube, 20 Apr. 2014. Web. 09 May 2016
This video put many detailed into the hijacked and has a lot of valuable information for the whole flight of MH370. This video also helped identify the two hijackers and what they could have possible done. Puts in a lot of new theories for the whole flight of MH370.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Pilot Suicide was the Brought Down of MH370?

 The concerning question is to me was it a pilot suicide that brought down the flight of MH370. The fact that says to me is the three turns that look so deliberate that pilot could gone off course. But then the second fact is after the three turns the plane ACARS showed the plane went into a constant course before it went missing. So this is very concerning to me because the three turns could not be an impute into the autopilot. But some people counteract this with their background
Image result for mh370 pilot
Captain  Zaharie Ahmad Shah  Co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid
 The Captain had a clean record and no signs of depression in the recent years but new evidence shows that pilot had homemade flight simulator and before the flight all data form it was deleted from its history. The co-pilot had one innocent where he did bring a passage into the cockpit. But we never know until we find the block boxes. But leaning towards suicide due to the flight simulator was deleted.
Resource: BBC. "Who Are the Pilots of Flight MH370?" BBC News. Malaysian Police, 27 Mar. 2014. Web. 09 May 2016
This linked helped in the way to get information about the background of the two pilots and gave more information if it was pilot suicide. This information went into depth about the 2 pilots pervious encounters on other flights also about legal/illegal stuff they have done.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

MH370 Flight Path

 The missing flight of MH370 is one to me because the question is how in the 21st century we loose a plane of radar and nobody has notice where it went. So the first part is the three mysterious turns the plane has made (shown below). According to some documents, it was imputed into the autopilot to make those turns. What I see is the computer of the plane could not make those turns due to how tight they were. Like how can an auto pilot make those sharp turns into a certain course? But then what is concerning the ACARS gave a "secret" handshakes which show a flight path that is constant.

Map showing the timings of electronic handshakes with flight MH370
In my final opinion on the flight path is the plane was deliberately taken off course by the one of the two pilots don't which one but someone turned around the plane deliberately. But what was the reason for to take the plane off course.
Resource: Boeing, Inmarsat. "MH370: What We Know." BBC News. Australism Transport Safety, 7 Mar. 2016. Web. 09 May 2016.           
This Resource was very helpful describing the flight path of MH370 more about ACARS system on the plane and the location about the secret handshakes. This should also detailed about the transpord system was well and the current ACRAS details, with times.