Friday, May 20, 2016

MH370 Taken by Alines Thoeris

The theory of aliens is becoming more possible when time keeps passing. This theory where the ship was been drift by aliens across the planet somehow then vanishes without a trace of where it has gone. Also, this theory makes little to no sense to me but about 9% off people on CNN actually believe this type of result had to happen. So quickly going to break down how this possibility CANNOT be true. Of course, this is my opinion and will back with evidence that we currently have out there.

So the first piece of evidence is the sudden turns and sudden disappearance. The sudden three turns where picked up the ACARS system and still transmitting to the ground in some type of shape. So if aliens had taken the plane the chances of the ACARS receiving is little to none. The next part was the flight path, the flight path only made sense when it only drift over the India ocean since that was constant but again during that "Drift" the plane ACARS kept sending the fuel load of the plane so it was very high chance that the plane was flying on its own. The last part that could state that aliens could of happen is when navy ships had no sight of a plane on radar or on visual sight. This could have been because it was dark outside making it harder for the navy officers see the aircraft. So the Alien theory to me is very unlikely but as time passes by this comes more and more possible this theory.

Resource:"Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Alien Abduction Theory Buzzing on Social Media." International Business Times RSS. N.p., 11 Mar. 2014. Web. 21 May 2016

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