Friday, May 20, 2016

The Whole Conclusion

The flight of MH370 is the most stunning into aviation history, because we all ask the same question over and over and over again "How do we lose an aircraft with no trace where it has gone." While searching I had discover that what we could do as people even without the black boxes. Look for what flaws in the system we have now. For a couple of examples if it was hijacking, we got to make sure that we can identify a fake passport real quick as for security, tighten it up by asking simple question that person should know. I know it be like, yes lines be longer, but it is much more better to be safe than sorry you know. Also if it was fire on board how can we make sure that cables are not creating so much heat in the system causing a burnout in the system. Next of MH370 how can we improve the plane it self. I have indeed got some good pointers from high grade investigators of how the system could be made better. Lets first develop a system that transponder can not be shut off manually by the pilots but by system failure only. Than the pointer how about he make black boxes shot out off the plane before impact. Honestly this is hard engineer this but this could help a lot in of more future investigation to get direct answer much more quicker than this waiting game. So, in my conclusion we had a lot to learn about this disappearance of this aircraft and we hope that we can majorly improve on aircraft soon. I have indeed have prays to the family that were involved in the accident and I prey that we will find those black boxes to find where the plane has gone.

Resource:Mansoob80. "MH370 :The Plane That Vanished 2014." YouTube. YouTube, 20 Apr. 2014. Web. 21 May 2016.
This was biggest help to all of my research and gave me very good starting points. This whole video had real investigator that had been working on MH370 disappearance and describing in detail of the theory mentation and some gave us good chances of what could of happened to the flight.

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