Friday, April 22, 2016

Pilot Suicide was the Brought Down of MH370?

 The concerning question is to me was it a pilot suicide that brought down the flight of MH370. The fact that says to me is the three turns that look so deliberate that pilot could gone off course. But then the second fact is after the three turns the plane ACARS showed the plane went into a constant course before it went missing. So this is very concerning to me because the three turns could not be an impute into the autopilot. But some people counteract this with their background
Image result for mh370 pilot
Captain  Zaharie Ahmad Shah  Co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid
 The Captain had a clean record and no signs of depression in the recent years but new evidence shows that pilot had homemade flight simulator and before the flight all data form it was deleted from its history. The co-pilot had one innocent where he did bring a passage into the cockpit. But we never know until we find the block boxes. But leaning towards suicide due to the flight simulator was deleted.
Resource: BBC. "Who Are the Pilots of Flight MH370?" BBC News. Malaysian Police, 27 Mar. 2014. Web. 09 May 2016
This linked helped in the way to get information about the background of the two pilots and gave more information if it was pilot suicide. This information went into depth about the 2 pilots pervious encounters on other flights also about legal/illegal stuff they have done.

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